Unlimited uses of agar powder in food industries as gelling, thickening and stabilizing agents.


Has been the biggest market for water gel products especially for Asia countries that like to have the unique texture of water gel desserts from agar ranging from firm to soft texture pudding products.

CONFECTIONERIES (Sweets and candies, fruit jelly, candy filling and jam)

A popular hydrocolloid in making a firm and clean-cut / non-sticking jelly candies in some countries that like to have less chewy and easy-to-bite jelly candies. Agar is a good substitute in vegan gummy bear type candies

PASTRY AND BAKERY (Icings and glasing for pastries, cakes and donuts)

Has been used for gluten-free recipes in baking to keep the shape of bread. Also used for filling in some products. Also icing and glazing using agar will stand better with its unique high melting point and make it stable up to 80 oC before it started to melt. Agar has been used in replacing animals-based hydrocolloid for vegan products.


DAIRY PRODUCTS (Youghurts, cheese and milk-based gel desserts)

it has a good synergy with milk for dairy products and thus many good cheese and yogurt products resulted from using agar in the products.