PT Agarindo Bogatama in The 3rd Indonesia Seaweed Forum (ISF 3)
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- agarindobogatama-admin
Booth PT Agarindo Bogatama in the 3rd Indonesia Seaweed Forum (ISF 3) . The 3rd Indonesia Seaweed Forum (ISF 3) is an international forum event every other 3 years. ISF is a mean of promotion and exchange of information as well as media for business cooperation to drive further development of seaweed industry in Indonesia especially in South Sulawesi that has been the largest seaweed production.
The 3rd Indonesia Seaweed Forum (ISF 3) has become a regular event for many Indonesians and international seaweed stakeholder to gather and share information on the development of Indonesian seaweed industries as well as international issues. The previous ISF were attended by participant from at leas 20 countries as a a collaboration by :
– ASSPERLI (Asosiasi Pembudidaya dan Pengelola Rumput Laut Indonesia) : Indonesia Seaweed Farmers and Producers Association
– ASTRULI (Asosiasi Industri Rumput Laut Indonesia) : Indonesia Seaweed Industry Assocation
– ISS : Indonesia Seaweed Society